I'm still alive! lol Boy did life ever get busy around here. 4 horses, a husband and work keep me pretty tied up these days. Everything has been going great. Gearing up for another barrel racing season, training babies and enjoying this amazing weather. Ely and I did great for our first season running barrels and placed in our NBHA division for 2011 and I am hoping to do even better this summer. I gave him almost the whole winter off so we have some major conditioning to do. Daya is happy as ever being the diva of the barn and still loves to torment and boss Ely around, he is a glutton for punishment. Poor Lootah has been playing babysitter for my new colt Gunner. He drives her crazy but I think the enjoys having someone to boss around. He is turning out to be a great minded little thing and I can't wait to see how he turns out.
I'm hoping I can keep up with this blog! I really miss it! Where does the time go??



