Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Merry Christmas Everyone
We got a good amount of snow here this week. I would say around 3-4 inches. Daya loved it and was very eager to play outside. I haven't done too much work with her this past week. The ground was frozen solid and I didn't want to take chance on having her slip/fall or making her sore from the hard impact in the round pen. I did get a pair of new Elites though and really like them so far (early Christmas present from the hubby). I got bored last night and edited some pics of Daya and her goat buddy Lloyd . I planned on uploading some videos as well but am having trouble with uploading them. Hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Its been boring around here... but Im not complaining :)
Not a whole lot has happened the last few weeks. Daya got her feet worked on last week and did so well. My farrier couldn't believe it was the same horse, I think he is more excited than anyone to see her started under saddle. He breeds his own horses as well and told me I should go ahead and start getting her accustomed to saddle blankets, cinches and saddling. I just might go ahead and see how she does. She should be about 150-170 days along now and Im sure she will tell me if Im pushing her to hard. She has been a pretty good girl considering how she reacted to things when I first got her. (Her belly is getting a little bigger and Im hoping to get some good pictures soon.)
I have had to keep a close eye on her front feet but nothing major. Her heels aren't built up as much as we would like and she has small frogs so she has been having little bouts of thrush on and off. She also has rain rot on her belly! lol Poor girl is so itchy it isn't funny. I swear she would let me stand there and scratch her belly for hours on end. Her pasture has been so muddy and sloppy this year so I shouldn't have been surprised.
One thing that is bothering me about her is her winter coat. She has the thinnest one Ive ever seen. Most appaloosa's Ive been around have huge thick coats but not her. Im actually going to call my vet and ask if it could be a mineral/vitamin deficiency where she is pregnant. If her coat was like this in previous winters I don't know how she made it. I know her previous owners didn't have blankets for her and she only had a 3 sided barn to get in out of the weather. Poor girl. I got an amazing deal on a 1200D High Neck Turnout Blanket by McAlister . I got this from horseloverz.com. They usually sell cheap crap but this blanket is anything but cheap. I love it!! I think I got mine for $40 +12 shipping on their ebay site (link to actual ebay site). These blankets would make a great christmas gift too.
I also wanted to share a great product I foudn this week! I bought Olive Oil Nourishing Sheen Spray for myself the other day and didn't like it in my hair so I took it to the barn to try on Daya... HOLY COW this stuff is half the price of show sheen ($3.99-$4.50)and 10 times better. It does have an oily feel if you use too much (a little goes a long way) but this stuff made Daya's mane and tail shine like a rock star. I couldn't believe it! Its so hard to get her white mane and tail to actually look shinny and silky but this stuff did it instantly and I didn't even wash her mane first. It made her hair unbelievably soft and helped with tangles as well. This stuff would be amazing for showing and a lot cheaper too. And it smells great.Reminds me of the Pepi Coat Conditioner Spray. You can get it at Walgreen's and Sally's Beauty Supply stores and who knows where else. I bet this stuff would be good to spray hooves this winter to keep snow from sticking too... might have to try that soon.
I have had to keep a close eye on her front feet but nothing major. Her heels aren't built up as much as we would like and she has small frogs so she has been having little bouts of thrush on and off. She also has rain rot on her belly! lol Poor girl is so itchy it isn't funny. I swear she would let me stand there and scratch her belly for hours on end. Her pasture has been so muddy and sloppy this year so I shouldn't have been surprised.
One thing that is bothering me about her is her winter coat. She has the thinnest one Ive ever seen. Most appaloosa's Ive been around have huge thick coats but not her. Im actually going to call my vet and ask if it could be a mineral/vitamin deficiency where she is pregnant. If her coat was like this in previous winters I don't know how she made it. I know her previous owners didn't have blankets for her and she only had a 3 sided barn to get in out of the weather. Poor girl. I got an amazing deal on a 1200D High Neck Turnout Blanket by McAlister . I got this from horseloverz.com. They usually sell cheap crap but this blanket is anything but cheap. I love it!! I think I got mine for $40 +12 shipping on their ebay site (link to actual ebay site). These blankets would make a great christmas gift too.
I also wanted to share a great product I foudn this week! I bought Olive Oil Nourishing Sheen Spray for myself the other day and didn't like it in my hair so I took it to the barn to try on Daya... HOLY COW this stuff is half the price of show sheen ($3.99-$4.50)and 10 times better. It does have an oily feel if you use too much (a little goes a long way) but this stuff made Daya's mane and tail shine like a rock star. I couldn't believe it! Its so hard to get her white mane and tail to actually look shinny and silky but this stuff did it instantly and I didn't even wash her mane first. It made her hair unbelievably soft and helped with tangles as well. This stuff would be amazing for showing and a lot cheaper too. And it smells great.Reminds me of the Pepi Coat Conditioner Spray. You can get it at Walgreen's and Sally's Beauty Supply stores and who knows where else. I bet this stuff would be good to spray hooves this winter to keep snow from sticking too... might have to try that soon.

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