Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone

We got a good amount of snow here this week. I would say around 3-4 inches. Daya loved it and was very eager to play outside. I haven't done too much work with her this past week. The ground was frozen solid and I didn't want to take chance on having her slip/fall or making her sore from the hard impact in the round pen. I did get a pair of new Elites though and really like them so far (early Christmas present from the hubby). I got bored last night and edited some pics of Daya and her goat buddy Lloyd . I planned on uploading some videos as well but am having trouble with uploading them. Hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas!!!


  1. She's soooo pretty! Her eyes are to die for.

  2. Thank you for visiting, and following along! Your horse is adorable!

  3. They are both adorable! Happy holidays!

