Well, we have gone from one extreme to another last week. We started out with about 4-6 inches of snow on the ground and temperatures that didn't make it over 15 during the warmer days. I didn't like it but I knew I better enjoy some of it before it melted and turned everything around the barn into a swamp. Last Tuesday the temps slowly started creeping up, I was ecstatic when it hit 30 degree's and was ready to a happy dance. Then it kept getting warmer and warmer! By Friday we were in the 50's and I was surrounded by mud! The round pen looked like a rednecks kiddy pool, turnout paddocks were waterlogged, and everything was a mushy mess. Daya was happy to be out of her turnout blankets and free to get as muddy as she wanted. I wish I had my video camera at the barn with me. Ive never heard a horse grunt and sigh as much as she did when she was able to take a good roll for the first time this winter without a blanket on. So I'm cleaning up the barn aisle, re-bedding stalls and cleaning water buckets when I hear the evening forecast on the radio.... RAIN! and lots of it for the entire weekend. Great, just what we needed.
So it rains, and rains AND rains! I woke up Sunday morning to this:
Yeah... Luckily for us the flood only got into the hay field a little. Its never got close to the barn or pastures and I'm so thankful for that. But the weather drama doesn't stop there! Nope. There was a nasty cold front that came through last night. Temps got back down in the 20's and when I woke up this morning what did I see?? SNOW! about 2 inches in the ground. So now I have slop covered in slick snow and slush, muddy hay fields with sticks and drift wood that have to be cleaned and I get to go back to freezing my butt of while doing it! I can't win. Welcome to Ohio I guess. The only place where you can use your a/c and heater on the same day!
That's what a love about living where I do....weather-wise it's an adventure every day!