Monday, November 2, 2009

Some pic updates...

I wish I would have taken some better "before" pics of Daya when I first got her. She is making some really nice improvements so far in terms of body/weight condition.


Its kinda hard to see how under weight she was by the photo's. Her backbone was sticking out over an inch, her ribs were somewhat visible and her hindquarters were very skinny (I can't believe I didn't get a picture from behind!).

This pic was taken after having her for about 2 weeks on feed and free choice grass and hay. She also loved her water! Hence the muck bucket used in her run in at the end of our barn. Even with the muck bucket I still had to refill it twice a day... I think she is part camel! lol

Current Pics:

She is starting to fill out and gain muscle tone now that we are working in the round pen

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